Please review our frequently asked questions.

What if I forget my password?

Click on the Login link. You'll see a ? icon to the right of the username AND password fields. Click here to choose which reset you'd like (username or password).

How long will it take me to complete each of the three courses?

You will have 90 days to complete each of the 3 courses.

Is it possible to fail the course?

There is no official pass or fail with these courses. You will be given the opportunity to review and retake any of the tests or quizzes that you do not pass initially. You also have the option to print the results of each quiz throughout the course.

What happens if I need to pause during a lesson or quiz?

There is no problem with pausing or stopping a course. The system will keep track of your progress and completed work. You can pick up where you left off the next time you log in.

How many opportunities will I have to interface with the instructors?

The course instructors will be available at the launch, mid-point (45 days) and end-point (90 days) of each course during the live webinars.